CONSTELLATION TRAINING Bert Hellinger's philosophy applied to the peaceful resolution of conflicts in everyday life, labor and business.
training is a theoretical, experiential and práctico.Se directed to the general public, whether or not experience Constellations Family and Systemic Solutions (Bert Hellinger), college graduates of all humanistic disciplines, professionals in education, health, law, mediators and negotiators. This training aims to know and experience the laws governing philosophy of Bert Hellinger, in his own person, family, interpersonal relationships, and emotional labor. The effects of these laws that cause disturbances in relationships, their application in different environments and scenarios of the same.
the training is conducted in two years with an option for a third Year of Age done 10 modules in the first year and monthly second: March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November, December and a coexistence of three days duration.
This training is complemented by monthly workshops that respond to different items on the agenda with the aim of deepening the systemic dynamics and recognize.
The aim of this course is that during the first year students begin work observing your personal family system and their place in it and identify ways loyalties and relationships.
Next year will see identifications and loyalties in the systems talleres.Los displayed on the students who have completed their two years of training and mandatory annual retreats and wish constellations with people individually or in groups will have a third year of supervision and a final exam. About
do their full training will receive a certificate of the Center for Family Constellations and Systemic Solutions that enable Chile and family constellations.
monitoring MARCH 3, 4 Junior, 5 and 6 workshop classroom.
APRIL 31 (March) monitoring, a first and second year, 2 and 3 workshop classroom.
monitoring MAY 5, 6 first and second year, 7 and 8 workshop classroom.
monitoring JUNE 2, 3, first and second year, 4 and 5 workshop classroom.
JULY 30 (June) monitoring, a first and second year, 2 and 3 workshop classroom.
15, 16 and 17
monitoring AUGUST 4, 5 first and second year, 6 and 7 workshop classroom.
monitoring SEPTEMBER 8, 9 first y segundo año, 10 Taller y 11 clase general.
OCTUBRE 29 supervisión y 30 (de setiembre) primer y segundo año y 1 taller y 2 clase general.
NOVIEMBRE 3 supervisión, 4 primer y segundo año, 5 taller y 6 clase general.
monitoring DECEMBER 1, 2 first and second year, 3 and 4 workshop classroom.
Bibliography of First year comprises the following material:
Braden, Gregg
Matrix divine
Diaz, Luis A
The memory cells
Dyer, Wayne
The Power of Intention Inspiration
Gricksch Franke, Marianne
You're one of us
Franke, Ursula
When I close my eyes I can see you
Garriga, Joan
Living in the soul
Grof, Stanislav
Mind Holotropic
The Stormy Search of being
Manual transpersonal psychology
Bert Hellinger
The spring does not have to ask for directions (Text añoPensamientos first embodiment of the spirit
Love Happiness remains
Religion, psychotherapy and cure of souls
The center distinguished by its lightness
recognize what is really moving
The Rachel weeps for her children to solve
Thoughts on the path of love
A long way dual
Kutschera, Ilse
The soul knows the way
Payne, John
The presence of the soul
Ruppert Sheldrake
The extended mind
of dogs know their masters are on the way home
Bibliography second year is
Hausner, Stephan
Although it costs my life
Hellinger, Bert
realization of the spirit Love
The spring does not have to ask for directions
The support orders Mystic
everyday life tales
Achieve love the couple (collection of seminars by John Neuhauser Hellinger)
Kutschera, Ilse
disease that heals
Liebermeister, Svagito
The Roots of Love
Olvera, Angelica
Success is your story
Jirina Prekop
Guidelines for parents today
The firstborn
If they knew how much I love (with Hellinger)
Rincón Gallardo, Laura So the love flows
Schutzenberger, Ann Ancelin
Oh, my ancestors
duel Exit
Valencia Vallejo, Marianela
van Eersel, Patrice My ancestors
hurt me
van Kampenhout, Daan
Healing comes from outside
The tears of the ancestors
See also