Thursday, May 15, 2008

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The first meeting of the Circle of Family Diversity will be held on Sunday 25 May at 11 hrs. It will be a briefing to leave knowing and talking about the group's objectives and activities we will, among other things.

For now, they advance as the circle coordinate activities basically 5:

1. Meetings for LGBT parents, to share experiences, exchange ideas and information, and we provide advice and mutual support when they need it. These meetings will be held the first Sunday of each month, at 11 hrs. First meeting: 1 June.

2. Meetings of coexistence for different families. In them, our hijxs be known, live and play, while also nosotrxs socializarmos and talked more in short. These gatherings will be held the second Sunday of each month, at 11 hrs. First coexistence: June 8.

3. Short workshops for LGBT parents. Topics of interest to our families, taught by specialists. These workshops will be held the third Sunday of each month, at 11 hrs. First workshop: 15 June, subject to be defined (to be announced).

4. Departures family. Once a month, organize a group outing with our families. The idea is not only that we live and let's us well, but we make visible in public spaces and stop seeing other families that are like them and we have more similarities than differences. We want to know us, get used to us, to respect and include us in their spectrum of families. These outings will take place on the fourth sunday during each month, at 11 hrs, unless we plan something different. First date: June 22, the place where we will be announced.

5. Projects and campaigns to raise awareness and educate others about sexual diversity and family, and to visualize positively to our families. Dedicate a portion of the meeting of LGBT parents to plan and organize these activities.

There are many ideas for activities that can be done later, and all proposals and suggestions are welcome ...


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