Another cause is the current culture. People are pulling their hair out. Why is this? The present model of our society is reinforcing the use of force to solve problems. So the abuser uses physical force to maintain power and control over women, because he has learned that violence is effective for this purpose as they control and have not suffered, women have been silent.
Domestic violence occurs at all levels of society, not only in poor families. In the rich families is the same. What happens is that a woman who beat him, if he has money, goes quietly into a clinic Private and nothing has happened here. Those who are poor have to go to hospital and doctors there say: "This woman has beaten" and police were responsible for that. Among whites, blacks, yellows, Catholics, Jews, Protestants and evangelicals, among all, there is domestic violence. But not to be Protestant or Catholic, but, not as they should be.
Another cause of this problem is the media. On television violence is glorified, the stereotypes we face are sexual violence. When a husband forcibly has sex with his wife, that's called sexual violence, because women also entitled to say no. If a woman, as I hear every day, you insult, you veja, he says atrocities, not only speaks and uses it to have sex with her, "How will want to be with her husband ? You have the right to say no, all right in the world.
In many cases, domestic violence is closely related to alcohol and drugs. What happens when a person uses drugs or drunk? In this part of the brain have the vital centers, common to animals and there is the center of the aggressive instinct or aggression. All men and women we have it. But in the normal person, these centers communicate with the conscious part of man, which distinguishes man from animal.
When you drink alcohol or use any drug, these centers are like a ship without a rudder. And what happens to a ship without a rudder? As it crashes against the rocks. Especially aggression, sexual drive, are out of control. The memories, values, advice, when you use or abuse alcohol or drugs is not working and domestic violence.
Because children imitate parents, which often occurs in children who witnessed physical abuse between their parents, they repeat the same behavior when they reach the state adult. They learned that the problems and conflicts faced with brute force.
That learning is rooted negative as often passed from generation to generation. If we add the "glorification" of violence in the media, we can understand why many

Experience shows that many family abusers seem "dead flies" pass through educated and gentle, but deep down they are jealous individuals with a poor image of themselves and living in an unreal world. If those people would given by more than a few drinks, something common, it will be much more violent explosion. Magaly oliveira
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