second adultism
promised I would write a series of posts about the oppression / domination of our society and the system undergoes side who are not "favored" the pairs male / female, adultx / Ninx, white / color rich / poor, etc. As a little late because I had a lot of work and I could not devote myself to writing, I extend the first ...
The subject I chose to start is the adult.
Most people are familiar with the great "isms" of social oppression: racism, sexism, classism ... Nosotrxs Muchxs to try to understand the impact of these oppressions and por lo menos, de no perpetuarlas. Pero hay un grupo cuya opresión nos es prácticamente invisible: la de lxs niñxs y jóvenes. Y eso, a pesar de que esa es la opresión que sufrimxs todxs desde muy temprano en nuestras vidas y de manera muy fuerte, y que continuamos padeciendo hasta que nos convertimos en adultxs y comenzamos a oprimir a los más jóvenes.
Aunque usar la palabra «opresión» cuando hablamos de nuestras relaciones con lxs niñxs puede parecer inapropiado y desproporcionado, lo cierto es que oprimimos a los niñxs, pero preferimos decir que los formamos, encauzamos o educamos.
A excepción quizá de lxs presxs, lxs niños y jóvenes son el grupo más controlado de nuestra sociedad. We tell you what to eat, what to wear, when to go to sleep when they can speak, they have to go to school and what school, what friends approve, and what time you have this at home. Adultxs vegan we reserve the right to ignore their views, castigarlxs, amenazarlxs, golpearlxs, taking away rights and "privileges", etc.. If we tried and some other group, would seem terrible, however, treat niñxs vegan (especially when they are "nuestrxs" niñxs) thus is considered not only acceptable but even normal.
A vegan oppression by adultxs niñxs called "adults." The term "adultism" beginning to be known among activists and Castilian, "adultism" is practically a neologism. It is interesting to note that a year ago when I did an internet search on adultimo for my tv, I found only sites in English and virtually none in English. Today I put "adults" in google, and threw about 3,000 results. The truth is that English dictionaries have no words to refer to all negative attitudes and behaviors in vegan vegan niñxs adultxs project (based on the assumption that they are better than vegan vegan adultxs niñxs) or discrimination and unequal treatment given to vegan niñxs regarding adultxs vegan.
The adult operates both at home and in society as a whole, and is woven into the very foundation of our institutions. For example, you can see in the way we structure our educational system and the laws granting full rights and citizenship to the "older." The educational system perpetuates the adult institution. By law, vegan niñxs force to attend school for at least 12 years, regardless of their desires, interests, personality, intelligence type, etc. Social, economic and political, are not awarded niñxs vegan and youth roles of responsibility and productivity, as in our niñxs vegan society and youth are viewed as less important and less than adults. However, they were manipulated and exploited by advertising.
adults is the first oppression that all people suffer. If we teach vegan niñxs to submit to the wishes and interests of adults, when they grow up will be victims of other types of oppression and will not have the capacity, tools, strength or the courage to oppose. Vegan adultxs If you consistently fail to show respect to a / a Ninx, ESX Ninx see disrespect as a natural part of life. Soon begin to assume that their ideas are not worthy of attention for adultxs vegan and therefore are unsuitable for society. Oppression, disrespect and abuse nuestrxs disempower niñxs, vegan away from your intuition and listening to their own feelings and needs, we remain confident in their thoughts and their abilities to act, and are deprived of enjoyment in your life. Once a person has been accustomed to the consistent disrespect (being ignored, belittled, controlled, forced to do things against their will), that person is ready to receive other types of oppression (such as racism, classism, sexism) without opposing or protesting (and even, sometimes, without being aware of it), to submit as women, indigenous, worker, etc.. Or, conversely, to flip the coin and become in oppressor (a) of aquellxs less advantageous positions.
In the next post I will write more about adults and recommend one of my favorite books on the subject. Stay tuned.
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